Friday, 19 July 2013

This is this and that is that.

I cannot even begin to list the amount of 'how to' articles I have read about writing blogs. Just google it, it's mental the amount of professionals who just wanted to say: 'Look here kid, this is how it is.' I'm not going to lie, I stopped reading most of them half way through, so if this has a good start but a bad ending then I only have myself to blame. Then again, if it has a bad start and a good ending wouldn't that just turn those 'pros' upside down?

I have never had a 'serious face' blog before. I toyed with tumblr for a while, but that felt like rounding up a flock of immature twenty somethings to look at porn. I left that behind a long time ago and now here I am, fresh faced, porn free and scrutinising myself to death. Is this the right picture? Should I really be favouriting these films? Am I even that interesting? I listed 'American history' as one of my interests. I am never going to be interesting. 

It's the kind of scrutiny that only a writer can understand. 

I am predominantly a fantasy writer. I can try as hard as I like but I will never be anything else. Recently I have been experimenting and asking myself what fantasy is. Then I get bored and throw in a dragon. Or gruesome, murder. I have no idea if introductory posts are the 'in thing', but I thought I should let people know what they are getting into. If you are looking for hardcore reality this isn't the place to be (although, I would argue that fantasy can often deal with the most pressing of real world problems, but that's for another post) I will be talking and writing my kind of fantasy.

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