Saturday, 30 November 2013

Losing NaNoWriMo - not the end of the world for me!

It is the end of November and I did not win NaNoWriMo this year. People are still saying not to give up. Apparently it can still be done. But I lost, I lost faith and I lost hope. I feel almost bad about it. Yet, I think that I can achieve in my own time.

I have a YA novel on the back burner, simmering away and popping parts out here and there. It is strange because I never saw YA as a possibility for me. Since I read Twilight in my early teens that it all YA has been to me. Stupid teenage romance about stalky guys and the supernatural. I never really realised what it could be, not until now.

Now I am so far passed YA that I think I can better understand it. I can look back and see passed all the creepy brooding vampires. I mean, that part was a nightmare. But, then there is Northern Lights and more recently A Fault in Our Stars. YA can carry important messages about life and friendship, about acceptance and diversity and it is that part of it that I want to write about.

I have always felt like I had something important to say. I think most writers will tell you that, especially the unpublished ones. They will say that they have something important inside of them and they just haven't found the right way to say it yet. And, I believe them. Once they find the right way, the perfect way, to say that one important thing, they usually become something. They might not get published but they become something. At least, I hope so.

So here I go, putting NaNoWriMo behind me and writing something else instead. Something that I do not want to rush through! I am a huge believer in not editing until the first draft is done, but you cannot rush art! At least, I hope not. I do not need November to write, it is a bit of fun, a challenge. Really though, I write all year round and after the year I have had I know that things really cannot get worse. So with nothing in the way, here I go!

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